
What I do

If you hire me for a sales assignment the growth of your business is my mayor concern.  I will map your current situation and detect opportunities in order to define focus areas. After a brainstorm we define (or fine-tune) the strategy which I will translate into a concrete tactical plan which I can implement together with your team. 

For interim management assignments, I will focus on the continuity of your business and the optimization of the performance of your team. 

How I do this

To get a clear insight of your business, I talk to all stakeholders including the management, executive employees, customers and even competition if needed. As an external business partner people often talk freely about their frustrations, business opportunities, areas of improvements for the company, etc. I will transform the dialogue in a way that people get in a problem solving mode and see opportunities instead of problems.  I will than translate these opportunities in a concrete executable plan. Because your employees were consulted during my 'information round' the plan I propose is supported by your employees.  People feel involved & respected, because they see their own ideas/suggestions reflected in the plan. If your employees believe in the plan, they will be motivated to implement it. 

For interim assignments I will have a similar 'information round' to get a clear insight in the functioning of your department, people, roles & responsibilities. I will talk and connect with as much people as possible in order to get their involvement & full collaboration. 

What this means for your business

Sales will grow, your people will grow or both. Sales will rise on short and/or on long term. People will experience success and feel involved & motivated (again).

Motivated people are less on sick leave and work more efficient. People that feel respected take more responsibility and feel encouraged to come up with ideas and initiatives to contribute to success of your company.


"It is my belief sucessfull companies have 2 things in common: 

  a good strategy & the right people/attitude to implement it"


Projects as freelance consultant:


Jan 2022 - Today


July 2020 - Dec 2021


Dec 2017 - June 2020


Develop and execute the strategic plan of LIFESCAN for the Belgian market. Lifescan is world leader, manufacturer of blood glucose meters for self-monitoring for patients with diabetes.

HOSPITAL RELATIONSHIP CONSULTANT at ACTELION                       Feb - Aug 2017


Closing contracts with all academic hospitals of Belux for the listed biopharmaceutical company ACTELION which focused on the development & commercialization of innovative drugs for the rare disease PAH.  I was able to secure 72% of the business by contracts.


OPERATIONS MANAGER A.I.                                        

Feb - June 2017                                                    


I was responsible for the daily operational management of the affiliate of Halle (50 drivers & 4 supporting employees). KEOLIS is the biggest private operator of remunerated transport in Belgium. Through motivational coaching & implementation of improvement initiatives, a positive attitude change was established.

Working experience as employee:

NATIONAL SALES MANAGER @ B Braun                               

May 2015 - Jan 2016


Development & implementation of strategic sales plan in order to accelerate profitable growth & market share of the Aesculap portfolio. (general surgical instruments, endoscopy & services)

Management & coaching of the sales team.

MANAGING DIRECTOR @ Wassenburg Belgium

April 2012 - April 2015

  • Successful set up of the Belgian entity from scratch: HR, legal, supply chain, admin, sales & marketing
  • Hiring & developing a dedicated high performance team (admin, technical & sales)
  • Daily operational management, full P&L responsibility
  • Largest tender of 2015 in its niche won with very profitable margins ensuring recurrent income for at least 10 years.

PRODUCT MANAGER Benelux @ J&J Medical

Johnson & Johnson Medical, Divison Ethicon Endo Surgery

Feb 2011- March 2012



Johnson & Johnson Medical, Division Advanced Ster. Products

Feb 2009 - Feb 2011


  • Successful market development & re-launch in The Netherlands of an innovative sterilizer which was initially rejected by the Dutch market
  • Growth of 30% in the first year, 50% in the second year


Johnson & Johnson Medical, Division Advanced Ster. Products

Feb 2005 - Feb 2009


  • 2 years in a row award of ‘sales person of the year’
  • Overachievement of ambitious sales targets each year

SALES EXECUTIVE Microbiology Netherlands @ Biotest                    

March 2003 - Feb 2005


Feb 2002 - March 2003


Oct 2001 - Feb  2002


  • Strong negotiation skills - trusting relationship building
  • Strategic thinker - quick insight in business challenges are translated in action plans
  • Result driven and entrepreneurial attitude 
  • People orientated manager with coaching skills resulting in dedicated teams
  • Fluent in Dutch, French (bilingual), English oral & written


  • Dutch      + + + +
  • French    + + + +
  • English    + + +
  • German   + +


Bachelor Marketing at KH Leuven (Sept 1997 - June 2001)

        Title thesis: ‘Business in The Gambia; field research for Dima T. Ent.’

Various trainings

2020         Bringing strategy to life (Vlerick)

2018         Reform of  hospital financing (Medtech)

2016         Life coach essentials  -  Coaching basics 

                  Licensed Practitioner of NLP

2015          People Management (Kluwer) – Team coaching (Mercuri)

2014-15    Plato: learning network for entrepreneurs (Voka)

2014         Communication & MBTI  (SD Worx)

                 Legal aspects of tender management (K Law) 

What makes me happy at work?


"My eagerness to grow the business is my natural motivator. Brainstorming about the right strategy, implement it and then see it works is what drives and motivates me. 

My greatest reward is when I see my actions lead to growth of your business and/or growth of your people" 

What may you expect? 


"If you expect theoretic models, standard business templates in beautiful PowerPoints, I need to disappoint you. If you want business insights translated into concrete actions that can be implemented on short time and give you an insight of the drivers to secure your business on long term as well, we're looking forward to exciting times."

What's my ideal working environment?


"The right cocktail of professionalism and fun. A place where people are respected with their unique talents which gives them the opportunity to deploy their full potential.

Let's grow this business but let's make fun at the same time!"  


How do I cope with frustration on the work floor?


"Humor is my ultimate rescue."  


What kind of person am I when the deadline comes very close?


"I come to the point which is very efficient thought my communication and handling become very direct. No time to waste. The target will be achieved, I'll catch that flight!  ... but, not so proud to admit courtesy will come later." 

What makes me happy in the weekend? 


"I like to create something with my hands. The creative minds of my 2 kids is so enriching and relaxing at the same time. No limits or restrictions when building a spaceship, an entertainment park or a racing circuit. If my hands are not full of glue, I like to get my hands dirty in the garden. I love to redesign my garden over and over and see it grow season after season.

A long walk by the sea, a stop on a sunny terrace is enough to give me an instant holiday feeling.

I like to run and I enjoy some competitiveness on the tennis court with friends."



JF Solutions

Phone: (+32) 473 55 13 36

Email: julie.follet@jfsolutions.be

Let's discuss your situation over a coffee.


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Sales consultancy and interim management


Focused on the growth of your business & growth of your people.